Questions & AnswersDeleted photos/videos from iPad and still no space?
Anonymous asked 9 years ago

My iPad is out of space so I deleted a bunch of photos and videos but it still says there’s no space and won’t let me record more video. What am I doing wrong??

1 Answers
Anonymous answered 9 years ago

Even though you deleted your photos and videos from your iPad, those files are still on your iPad for about 30 days in a Recently Deleted album. This is nice because it allows you to recover files if you change your mind. But as you have noticed it is not so nice when you need to free up space!

In order to free up space on your iPad from those deleted photos and videos you must permanently delete those files from the Recently Deleted album. To permanently delete them, just follow these steps:

  1. In your photo album (tap Camera, then tap the little thumbnail of your recent image in the lower right corner), tap All Photos.
  2. Tap Albums at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap Recently Deleted.
  4. Tap an individual thumbnail of a image or video you want to permanently delete, or tap Select, which lets you select multiple items.
  5. Tap Delete.

The photos and videos you selected are now permanently deleted from your iPad. Check your available storage space to verify that you now have more room on your iPad. (Go to Settings/General/Storage & iCloud Usage).

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