Questions & AnswersCategory: In the homeHow do you remove sharpie from a wood table?
Bob asked 9 years ago

I have black sharpie permanent marker on a light colored finished wood table – how do I get it off without ruining the finish of the wood?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 9 years ago

Sharpie on a wood table – maybe it was the kid or maybe it was you. It happens. Don’t panic. You might be able to remove permanent marker from your finished wood table without also ruining the finish. Try Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
A brave Answer-Wiz editor put this to the test. A black Sharpie mark on a light-colored finished wood came off super easy with an “Extra Durable” Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (the one with a textured side). Literally with only a couple swipes with a dampened Magic Eraser removed the Sharpie mark without damaging the finish at all.

You can find the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers (and remove your Sharpie marks) on Amazon.