Super-Fun Shopkins Activity: What to do with all those Shopkins

shopkins activity with pink pretzella

Pink Pretz-elle is part of our Shopkins activity that any preschooler will love!

Here’s a Shopkins activity that is sure to win over any kid. What do you do with Shopkins? So your preschooler is part of the Shopkins craze and now you have a million of those tiny grocery-themed thingamajigs that nobody knows what to do with. They’re cute, but what the heck are they for? Who knows, but our friends at ToyPatrol thought up a super-fun Shopkins activity that preschoolers will love to do with their Shopkins Collection: A Shopkins Shaving Cream Surprise! But here’s a warning: It can be messy! But that’s what makes it fun for kids of all ages – especially preschoolers.

To do the easy and fun Shopkins Shaving Cream Surprise activity here’s what you need:

  1. Shopkins (any number will do)
  2. A kid who’s willing to get their hands a bit messy
  3. Shaving cream (get the least expensive white foamy kind, not gel)
  4. Two bowls: One for the shaving cream and one for water
  5. Lots of towels
  6. Newspaper or more towels to put on the floor (or you could do this activity outside)
  7. A smock is optional – your child could just wear old clothes or nothing at all

Gather your supplies and get them ready before your preschooler knows what’s going down. He’ll start getting into the water and shaving cream before you’re ready! Fill one big bowl with your Shopkins then cover them with shaving cream. Fill your second bowl with a little bit of water. Not so much that it will easily spill or splash but enough to cover a Shopkin.

Once you have taken the necessary precautions — covering your floor and/or child — tell your preschooler to find the Shopkins in the shaving cream. When he finds one, have him keep count then drop it in the water bowl.

This Shopkins activity is great for learning counting and numbers and for fine motor skills. Your preschooler will also get to explore different textures. Have him describe what the different materials feel like (wet, cold, hard, soft, etc.)

To see this Shopkins activity in action, check out the video below and be sure to subscribe to the ToyPatrol channel if you’d like to see more Shopkins videos as they’re released.

Do you have ideas for other Shopkins activities? Tell us in the comments and we just might share it with our viewers!

What can you do with Shopkins? Watch this video for a fun activity!